4 December 2020

Audit Request for Proposal

2020-2023 Auditing Services RFP

Request for Proposal
December 4, 2020 
The County of Greene, "County", is requesting proposals for 2020- 2023 auditing services including the following listed audits and agreed upon procedures in conjunction with the performance of the single audit which is due by June 30 of each year. Proposals should have all foreseen additional charges or fees for time, travel, etc. included in the lump sum proposal. Proposals may be delivered to: 
Ami Cree, Controller 
Greene County Controller's Office 
93 E. High St. 
Waynesburg, PA 15370 
Proposals should be received no later than 11 a.m. prevailing time on December 21, 2020 at which time they will be opened and read aloud. Proposals should be submitted in a sealed envelope labeled "2020-2023 Audit Proposal". 
You should contact Carol Gooden at 724-852-5295 or cgooden@co.greene.pa.us for additional information. The following auditing services and agreed upon procedures should be included in the proposal:
County Single audit
Agreed upon procedures on SEFA, DHS schedules and DHS SEFA receipts versus revenue reconciliation
Transportation program Audit
911 audit
Grant audits as the need arises
County Conservation District
GASB training and implementation
CPE for 3 employees
Jeffrey Marshall
Chief Clerk
Legal Counsel
Robert Eugene Grimm
Mike Belding 
Betsy McClure
Blair Zimmerman 

Download the RFP Here